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What do we do if we have symptoms specific to a potentially infectious condition?
Teachers, auxiliary and non-teaching staff who have symptoms specific to a potentially infectious condition (fever, cough, headache, sore throat, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting) should isolate themselves at home, contact their primary care physician and immediately report to the person in charge appointed by the management of the higher education institution:
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[icon-list-item title="Assoc.%20Professor%20Anton%20Knieling%20-%20anton.knieling%40umfiasi.ro" subtitle="Faculty%20of%20Medicine" link="mailto%3Aanton.knieling%40umfiasi.ro" /]
[icon-list-item title="LecturerIonu%C8%9B%20Luchian%20-%20ionut.luchian%40umfiasi.ro" subtitle="Faculty%20of%20Dentistry" link="mailto%3Aionut.luchian%40umfiasi.ro" /]
[icon-list-item title="Professor%20C%C4%83t%C4%83lina%20Stan%20-%20catalina.stan%40umfiasi.ro" subtitle="Faculty%20of%20Pharmacy" link="mailto%3Acatalina.stan%40umfiasi.ro" /]
[icon-list-item title="Professor%20Liliana%20Vere%C8%99tiuc%20-%20liliana.verestiuc%40umfiasi.ro" subtitle="Faculty%20of%20Medical%20Bioengineering" link="mailto%3Aliliana.verestiuc%40umfiasi.ro" /]
What do we do if a positive case is identified?
If a positive case is identified by the University, the teacher/person who was informed of the positive case reports it to the year’s secretary.
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[icon-list-item title="Secretaries%20of%20the%20Faculty%20of%20Medicine%20(contact)" link="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.umfiasi.ro%2Fro%2Facademic%2Ffacultati%2Fmedicina-generala%2FPagini%2FSecretariat.aspx" /]
[icon-list-item title="Secretaries%20Faculty%20of%20Dentistry%20(contact)" link="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.umfiasi.ro%2Fro%2Facademic%2Ffacultati%2Fmedicina-dentara%2FPagini%2FSecretariat.aspx" /]
[icon-list-item title="Secretaries%20Faculty%20of%20Pharmacy%20(contact)" link="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.umfiasi.ro%2Fro%2Facademic%2Ffacultati%2Ffarmacie%2FPagini%2FSecretariat.aspx" /]
[icon-list-item title="Secretaries%20Faculty%20of%20Medical%20Bioengineering%20(contact)" link="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.umfiasi.ro%2Fro%2Facademic%2Ffacultati%2Fbioinginerie-medicala%2FPagini%2FSecretariat.aspx" /]
The year’s secretary sends all personal information about the positive student (name, surname, Personal Identification No, year, group, Iasi residence address, phone number) to the person responsible for each faculty. The person responsible for each faculty then informs the person responsible for the University (by telephone and e-mail), who must inform the County Public Health Department as soon as possible.
If a symptomatic or asymptomatic student is tested and receives a positive SARS-CoV2 result, he or she shall inform the secretary of the year. In the case of a negative test, the student is required to isolate themselves at home as long as the symptoms persist and will resume their activity only after receiving a certificate issued by their primary care physician or the University’s physician.
How is the onsite teaching activity carried out?
For the successful implementation of the Measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, provided in the University Procedure, we remind you of the following:
Regarding the teaching activity and student distribution:
❚ Places will be marked visibly on the desks;
❚ Students will NOT stand face to face;
❚ Study formations will be preserved; students will be able to change the study formation during the semester only if the change is justified.
❚ Students will be distributed in classrooms (LP, seminar) in the order of their groups and according to the order in the catalog, and the student’s place shall be maintained throughout the semester; compliance with this requirement will facilitate the epidemiological investigation (establishment of direct contacts);
❚ For clinical disciplines, the teaching activity coordinator will distribute a specific number of groups to each teacher in order to maintain physical distancing; the detailed schedule will be known and respected, facilitating a possible epidemiological investigation.
❚ Due to the epidemiological context, the teaching activity coordinators should prepare for the transition to online practical activities as well and ensure the existence of didactic material.
❚ Students will comply with the 14-day quarantine requirement, as well as with the obligation to release their address and phone number if they travelled from countries classified by the INSP (National Institute of Public Health) as a yellow zone. Students must also notify the secretary if they show signs of illness that require testing.
❚ The teaching activity coordinators will ensure that students sign forms stating they have taken note of the provisions of the Faculty’s Plan of measures and the University’s internal procedure regarding the establishment of sanitary and protective measures to be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Staff briefing and the ongoing communication of information to students on SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention measures
Students must be instructed by the designated staff / teachers to comply with SARS-CoV-2 infection protection and prevention measures, ensured by the signing of the acknowledgment at least once a week.
Tutors are expected to monitor the way in which students comply with the Faculty’s Plan of measures and the
Faculty’s Plan of measures and the University’s internal procedure regarding the establishment of and sanitary and protective measures to be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic.