Internal procedure regarding the establishment of and sanitary and protective measures to be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic
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Internal procedure regarding the establishment of and sanitary and protective measures to be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic

​​​Internal procedure regarding the establishment of and sanitary and protective measures to be applied during the Covid-19 p​andemic

I General Provisions​

Art. 1
This procedure is devised under Article 12 in the Annex to Order No 5487/1494/2020 with the amendments provided by Order 5650/1670 ​and it indicates the ways in which the didactic activities are to be performed within our institution, the students, faculty, auxiliary teaching staff and non-teaching staff entry and exit circuit and the methods used in the process of sanitization/disinfection of the University.

Art. 2

  1. 7 days before the beginning of the academic year, in accordance with the epidemiological situation, the local conditions, the infrastructure and the human resources of the University, the Senate will decide the application of one of the scenarios describing the organization and performance of didactic activities in the educational institutions included in the Guide – higher education, from annex no 2, part of the Annex to Order No 5487/1494/2020.
  2. The county Public Health Department or PHD, provides a report concerning the epidemiological situation in the city to the university Senate, a week before the beginning of the academic year.
  3. The scenario regarding the functioning of the University during the academic year will be updated on a weekly basis or every time the necessity to carry out the said procedure arises.
  4. The epidemiological criterion used by the University in order to choose one of the 3 scenarios consists in the cumulative incidence rate, i.e., the total number of new cases identified during the previous 14 days per 1 000 inhabitants.

Art. 3

  1. In order to apply the measures indicated by Order No 5487/1494/2020, when one or more cases of people becoming infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus within the University are identified, the PHD together with the University Rector will decide what measures should be implemented in the framework of didactic activity.
  2. The PHD has the duty to inform the University and its medical office within the institution in case students or members of the staff are confirmed as positive cases of Covid-19.

Art. 4
(1) The decision to suspend didactic activity which involves the physical presence of the students can be taken by the Senate and will be determined by the number of identified positive cases in the University and by the result of the epidemiological investigation carried out and approved by the PHD.
(2) In the case mentioned in paragraph (1), the PHD will perform the epidemiological investigation, will analyze the situation with the University managers and apply one of the scenarios mentioned in the Guide included in Annex No 2 to Order No 5487/1494/2020.
(3) During the lockdown, the University managers will initiate the mandatory carrying out of the following activities:

  1. Cleaning and airing the rooms;
  2. Current and terminal disinfection of University areas, including rooms, halls, hallways and toilets;
  3. During the 14 days of lockdown all the contacts of confirmed cases in the University will be isolated/quarantined at home or in specially prepared facilities, chosen and managed by the students who have the duty to communicate the address of this residence to the University and the PHD.

(4) The resuming of didactic activity involving the physical presence of the students is decided by the University Senate with the approval of the PHD.
(5) In accordance with the local epidemiological situation, the University Senate can decide the extension of the temporary suspension of didactic activity involving the physical presence of students belonging to a certain section of the institution or of the whole student body.
(6) Upon resuming the didactic activity, the medical staff employed by the U.M.Ph from Iasi, who included in their field of activity the University, will perform a rigorous epidemiological triage based on the epidemiological investigation in order to identify possible new cases of people infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The measures mentioned in this procedure may be accompanied by other specific measures implemented due to decisions issued by the University managers, in accordance with the characteristics of evolving situations.

II Protective sanitary measures applied during the COVID-19 pandemic

Chapter I: General principles

Art. 6
Essential measures include:

  • Rigorous hand hygiene achieved by washing the hands with water and soap and/or decontamination with hydro-alcoholic solutions upon entering and exiting lecture /practicals/rotations halls/rooms/wards as much and as often as it is necessary;
  • Firm cleaning and disinfection measures in the higher education institution by performing daily cleaning and continuous or terminal decontamination;
  • Students and staff wearing the protective face mask as long as they are inside the university;
  • Limiting the contacts between students from different sections in accordance with the timetable of the didactic activities. Avoiding the changing of the room/hall where students belonging to a certain section carry out their study or research activity during the same day;
  • Making sure that physical distancing of at least 1 meter between students and between the students and the member of the teaching staff is observed;
  • In order to maintain physical distancing, each student will remain in the same place during their presence in the room/hall;
  • Permanently providing data concerning the protection measures meant to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 to the students and the staff by using as a medium of communication the university site and the e-Learning platform and by posting in the university and the student accommodation facilities materials promoting health created by the National Institute of Public Health and by the PHD.
  • ​The University dormitories must have rooms designated to isolation;
  • The students, the faculty, non-teaching staff or members of their families who manifest symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (fever, coughing, difficulty breathing, loss of taste and smell) should isolate themselves at home or in specially prepared facilities; the address of the latter isolation alternative has to be communicated to the university and to the PHD.
  • The scenarios to be applied are determined by the general epidemiological situation, the regional characteristics and the specificity of each higher education institution; these alternatives include:
    Scenario no 1 – Physical participation of all students to all didactic activities taking place in the university, according to the timetable in the framework of a strict application of all the established health protection rules;
    Scenario no 2 – Lectures delivered online, seminars partially organized online, practicals and project work organized onsite in the context of a precise observance of health protection regulations, according to the set of measures adopted by each faculty;
    Scenario no 3 – The participation of all the students in online learning activities.

    Choosing a scenario for the beginning of the academic year
    The University communicates to the Ministry of Education and Research the date when the academic year is to begin. The PHD sends to the University managers a report describing the local epidemiological situation a week before the opening of the academic year.
    The University Senate chooses a customized functioning scenario based on academic autonomy, an acceptance of the public responsibility involved and an observance of the quality specific to higher education didactic activity. The selected scenario takes into consideration:
    • The epidemiological situation as identified a week before the beginning of the academic year;
    • The specificity of our University.​
​​Updating the decisions regarding the operating scenario during the academic year will be made whenever necessary.​

Chapter II: Preparing the University for the opening of the new academic year

Art. 7
a) Evaluation of the infrastructure
The University will identify the spaces it has in its possession and the ones which can be used in the teaching-learning process as well as spaces to be used for the temporary isolation of suspected cases. If necessary, supplementary spaces which are required in order to carry out didactic activity involving the physical presence of students, can be identified. In this respect, the University will organize a room for temporary isolation of potentially infected people who performed activities within the university area in each building belonging to the university/in a significant number of buildings controlled by the university.
The spaces to be used for didactic activities will allow for physical distancing of 1 meter between students as well as between the students and the teaching staff.
b) Establishing functional circuits; based on the available possibilities and the specificity of the place, the entrance of the students and the teaching staff into a building will be allowed through a particular access area and the exit will be possible through a different route so that the movement of people in that building will avoid crowding;
c) Organization of leisure areas: these areas will be limited in order to avoid people staying in the hallways; an acceptable recommended option is for people to try and enjoy their R&R in the open;
d) Evaluation of human resources requirements: the optimal number of members of the auxiliary staff, carers and individuals participating in the epidemiological triage of students and teaching staff will be established by the university;
e) Providing cleaning, hygiene and disinfection supplies: the quantity of supplies required for the daily cleaning of rooms/halls, hallways and lavatories, the quantity of hydro-alcoholic solutions, soap and single-use towels and the amount of materials used for current and terminal disinfection will be estimated;
f) The creation of a permanent reserve stock of protective materials for the students and the staff: the reserve stock will become available but it will be the students' and the staff's duty to bring their own vials with hydro-alcoholic solution for hand decontamination;
g) Preparing the staff in view of the application of the planned measures: the measures will be communicated through the Deans' Offices, student representatives, teaching staff tutors, students' organizations from U.M.Ph - Iasi and with the help of the university site and the e-Learning platform.

Chapter III: Protective measures adopted in the epidemiological context of the SARS-CoV-2 infection

Art. 8
1. Ensuring the coordination of the activities aiming at the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection
The University managers will appoint one of its employees as the person responsible to coordinate the activities meant to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection within our institution. This person will stay in contact with the healthcare professionals and the representatives of the public health authorities, local public authorities and the ESCC. Also, a responsible selected to coordinate the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in each faculty will be appointed.
2. The organization of university spaces in order to ensure physical distancing. A 1-meter distancing norm will be implemented between students and between students and teaching staff by evaluating the number of participants in didactic activities and the dimensions of each facility to be used.

a) The organization of circuits inside the university by placing visible stripes to ensure the use of “preestablished routes" for the people entering, moving and exiting the institution of higher education, allowing the students to keep a safe physical distance between them. Visible, easy to understand indicators will be placed in the university (signposts, arrows, etc.). The chances of students meeting other students will be limited by establishing waiting zones so that physical distancing will be observed. Dispensers/vials with disinfecting solutions for the hands will be placed at the entrance in the higher education institution, in the hallways and at the entrance in every room/hall so that frequent disinfection could be performed. Informational materials focusing on hygiene/protection means will be posted at the entrance in the higher education institution as well as in all places which provide good visual access.
Doors will be kept open if possible, to avoid contact points. This principle should not prevent the application of evacuation rules in case of a fire (for example, the unused fire doors will stay closed). The doors of the rooms in which didactic activity is to take place will stay open until all students have arrived.
In order to avoid transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in closed spaces, elevators will be used only by people with disabilities and access into elevators will be limited to no more than 3 persons (in an elevator for 8 and 1 person accompanied by 1 individual in smaller elevators).

b) The organization of the rooms/halls in which didactic activities are carried out
​The room/hall in which didactic activities are performed involving the physical presence of students will be prepared in such a way as to allow for physical distancing between the students;
In order to achieve this effect:

    • The unnecessary furniture must be removed from the premises and/ the furniture must be placed in a configuration allowing for the minimum 1-meter physical distancing between students;
    • The sitting formula should be decided by considering the structure of the room/hall and the number of students included in the group of study; places will be visibly marked on each desk;
    • The sitting formula should avoid placing students in a face-to-face position;

Members of study groups will remain in their respective groups. A student could move during the term into another study group only in situations involving serious justifications. Contact between students belonging to different study groups will be avoided.
Movement inside the room/hall where the didactic or research activity is taking place will be limited when the physical presence of students is unavoidable;
The situations of students meeting students inside a room/hall will be limited by establishing a circulation pattern in the room/hall which can be indicated by using markings applied on the floor;
The airing of rooms/halls will be performed before the arrival of the students by opening the windows for a minimum of 20 minutes, then, during brakes, for a minimum of 10 minutes and at the beginning of the working day and at its end;
Trash cans in which used face masks are disposed of will be set down in designated places. The type with a lid and food pedal and a sack inside is recommended. These collection devices will be positioned at the entrance and the exit of each building used for didactic activities.

c) Organization of lavatories

    • Where possible, the breaks will be reprogrammed so that the number of people entering the lavatories and common areas could be limited and physical distancing could be observed;
    • In order to control the circulation inside the lavatories, a poster will be placed at the entrance of the facilities, indicating the maximal number of people who could use the toilets simultaneously;
    • There will be a strict observance of hygiene rules;
    • The possibility for students and staff to wash or disinfect their hands in the lavatories will be constantly verified; single-use paper towels will be made available;
    • Carers will verify the status of consumables in the lavatories and provide them in sufficient quantities (liquid soap, toilet paper, single-use towels, etc.) during the working day;
    • The daily cleaning and regular disinfection of surfaces frequently touched will be verified (in accordance with the cleaning and disinfection plan);
    • Posters describing proper hygiene procedures will be placed at the entrance of each lavatory.

d) Organization of the Dean's/Rector's Office

    • The members of the teaching staff are compelled to disinfect their hands in the following situations:
      • Upon entering the Dean's/Rector's Office;
      • Upon entering offices belonging to the administrative section of the University;
    • Students' requests will be communicated to the secretary in charge and the latter will formulate an answer and communicate it to the student via e-mail.
    • Food consumption on university premises will be done with a strict observance of hygiene rules.

e) Organization of internal yards/grounds belonging to the higher education institutions:

    • Outdoor furniture will be distributed (if necessary) in a manner allowing for physical distancing;
    • Internal yards/grounds belonging to the higher education institutions, where members of the academic community gather, will be swept and washed using waterjet devices periodically, in the morning, before didactic activity begins.

3. Organizing access into the higher education institution

  • The access and flux of people will be controlled at the entrance of the higher education institution by individuals appointed by the university managers; entering and exiting the main buildings of the institution will be based on a preestablished circuit;
  • Physical distancing will be maintained at the entrance into the buildings using any available means (pans, markings on the ground, distancing devices, barriers, etc.)
  • It is recommended that people should enter the buildings at different moments during the working day, according to an established timetable and by considering the flux of people specific to various areas or parts of the institution (floor, wing, etc.).
  • It is recommended to use multiple doors for entering buildings in order to reduce the flux of students if possible. When this separation is not feasible it is essential to maintain the physical distancing between people entering the institution;
  • Visible and easy to understand indicators will be placed in entrance areas (pans, arrows, etc.);
  • The access ways (gates, doors, entrances fitted with a turnstile) will be kept open while students are entering the buildings, in order to limit contact points;
  • Students will be informed regarding the proposed rhythm of arrival meant to avoid crowding at entrances and this will be achieved by devising the corresponding timetable;
    * At the entrance of the University building it is recommended to perform thermometry with a noncontact thermometer by a designated person, trained in this matter; people with a temperature higher than 37.3 ° Celsius will not have access.
  • After the students disinfect their hands, they will go directly to the room/halls where the programmed didactic and research activities will take place.

4. Formulating the didactic activities timetable

a) The organization of the teaching-learning process will take into consideration the possibility to start didactic activities at different time intervals and to organize these activities in a modular manner so that crowding when students take or return from brakes could be avoided; this temporal framework will be achieved by devising the corresponding timetables which will be communicated to the students via the university site and the e-Learning platform.

b) Preventive activities during brakes:

    • The times when breaks are included in the timetable will be decided upon in a particular order for each study group when this is feasible;
    • Groups of students will not be created with students belonging to different study groups;
    • During the breaks the students will ensure the maintenance of the proper physical distance between them;
    • The students will not consume food and beverages in a communal manner and will not use personal objects belonging to other students (telephones, tablets, writing tools).

c) The organization of sporting activities

    • It is recommended that sporting activities should be performed according to an established schedule and should be monitored by a member of the teaching staff;
    • The students will not use pieces of equipment that are used by all the participants; the said objects could be manipulated only by the member of the teaching staff; in the contrary case, an adapted disinfection will be performed on a regular basis;
    • Physical education classes carried out in the sports hall must be limited to activities which do not involve medium/intense physical effort and the participants should maintain the 1.5-meters physical distance between them, in which case the wearing of the face mask is no longer necessary;
    • The students will be instructed to avoid touching their face, mouth, eyes and nose with their undisinfected hands during the physical education classes;
    • At the beginning and at the end of physical education classes, students should disinfect their hands by using an alcohol-based solution;
    • After each didactic activity the sports hall will be cleaned, disinfected with specialized solutions and aired.

d) The organization and implementation of clinical rotations

    • The execution of the rotations in the University is organized according to specific regulations;
    • The use of didactic materials by a larger number of students will be reduced to the minimum and adapted modalities of disinfection will be made available;
    • Individual activities will be organized in order to avoid replacing the used materials;
    • Didactic materials will be cleaned and disinfected after use;
    • When different groups of students use in succession the same laboratory/space where the rotation is executed, the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, pieces of equipment and materials will be performed after each study group finished its activity;
    • The used areas will be aired for at least 10 minutes after every hour of activity;
    • When the activity is ended, doors will be cleaned and floors, benches, chairs, the furniture, materials and pieces of equipment used by students will be disinfected.

e) Organizing exams

The university will decide upon the method of organizing the exams, in compliance with the general rules on access, traffic flows and physical distance. The cases in which the student's temperature exceeds 37.3 ° C will be solved punctually either by reprogramming or by providing a separate space for the student's examination.​

5. Individual protective measures

Important messages:

    • Wash your hands frequently!
    • Cough or sneeze in your elbow crease or in a napkin!
    • Utilize a single-use napkin and dispose of it as soon as you finished handling it!
    • Greet people without shaking hands!
    • Don't hug someone!
    • Maintain physical distancing, avoid crowds!
    • Wear the facial mask when you are inside the higher education institution!

a) Washing/disinfecting your hands: all the students, the members of the teaching staff and the non-teaching staff must wash/disinfect their hands:

    • Immediately after entering the higher education institution and before entering the room/hall in which a didactic activity will take place with students attending the lecture/seminar;
    • Before and after they ingest food;
    • Before and after using the toilet;
    • After coughing or sneezing;
    • Every time it is necessary.

b) Wearing the face mask

    • All the students and the staff of the higher education institution have to wear the face mask in the rooms/halls where didactic activities are taking place involving the presence of students, in the Department's, Dean's or Rector's Offices, in other functional areas of the University, while they are moving inside the institution and during the breaks (when they are inside a building).
    • When the minimal 1-meter distance between students is not ensured it is compulsory for all the students to wear the face mask during breaks, in the open as well as in crowded places;
    • In order to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, students will obey the protection rule, respectively the correct wearing of the mask on a radius of 100 m around the educational spaces.
    • Exchanging facial masks is definitely a forbidden practice!

7. Training staff and the ongoing informationcommunication to students with regard to the preventive measures against SARC-CoV-2 infection

a) The staff of the medical practice or, if none available, the staff appointed by the University, namely those in charge with occupational health and safety instruction, will train the staff of the higher education institution in order to monitor the health of students, implement the provisions of this guideline and provide information about: SARS-CoV-2 infection in general, respiratory hygiene, hand washing technique, recognition of COVID-19 symptoms, correct wearing and removing of face masks and necessary physical distancing measures.
Teaching staff are required to inform the staff of the medical practice or those specifically appointed by the management of the higher education institution in case students manifest during classes any respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, fever, breathing difficulties) or other symptoms of an infectious disease (e.g. vomiting, myalgia, altered general state), with or without increased body temperature, in order to proceed with the isolation protocol.
b) Regular training of students: on the first day of the academic year and at least once a week, students will receive training by the designated staff / teaching staff in order to observe the measures in place for the protection against and prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection. At the beginning of the academic year, students will also sign that they have been informed.
Types of messages:

  • Wash your hands frequently and regularly, for at least 20 seconds, with water and soap;
  • Maintain as much distance as possible between yourself and other people;
  • Wear the protection mask correctly.

- Wash / disinfect your hands before touching the mask;
- Check that the mask does not have tears or holes;
- Identify the upper end of the mask, which should contain a metal wire or have a hard edge;
- Make sure the colored side of the mask is facing outwards;
- Place the hard edge or the metal wire above the nose;
- Cover the nose, mouth and chin;
- Fit the mask onto your face so that there are no gaps on the sides;
- Avoid touching the mask;
- Remove the mask by its straps;
- Keep the mask away from yourself and other surfaces while you remove it;
- After use, dispose of the mask immediately by throwing it in a bin with a lid;
- Wash / disinfect your hands after you dispose of the mask.

- Do not use a torn or humid mask;
- Do not wear the mask only on the mouth or under the chin;
- Do not wear a mask that is too loose;
- Do not touch the front side of the mask;
- Do not remove the mask in order to speak to someone or to do anything that requires touching the mask again;
- Do not let other people handle your mask;
- Do not reuse a mask;
- Do not exchange masks with someone else;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unsanitized hands;
- Cover your mouth and nose with a single-use tissue and then throw away the tissue. If you need to sneeze or cough, do it into your bent elbow.
- Clean the frequently used or touched objects/surfaces with biocidal tissues/wipes/products.
- Request a specialist consultation if you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing or any other symptoms.
- Discuss your questions and concerns with the teachers.

At the University (in classrooms, on hallways and in toilets), posters with useful information of this kind will be displayed in visible locations.

c) Communication of instructions:
A student who is absent in class is required to notify the University in the following situations:

  • Upon experiencing specific symptoms;
  • Upon being diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2;
  • If he/she is a direct contact of a person diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 and is being quarantened.

8. Measures for students, teaching staff and other categories of staff from higher education institutions who are in the at-risk age groups and/or suffer from chronic conditions and/or have disabilities:
- The staff who are at risk of illness (e.g. the elderly, people with diabetes or other chronic conditions, people with compromised immunity) will return to the higher education institution based on the written approval of the physician specialized in occupational medicine, whose consultation hours will be posted on the University website;
- The students who are considered at risk (e.g. diagnosed with severe chronic respiratory conditions, morbid obesity, type-1 diabetes mellitus, inflammatory conditions, immune/autoimmune conditions, rare diseases, hereditary metabolic conditions, disabilities, or undergoing immunosuppresive treatment) will return to the didactic activities requiring in-person student attendance at the higher education institutions with the written approval and specific recommendations of their physician.

Chapter IV: Protocols

Art. 9
1. Protocol for cafeterias
- Meals will be served “to go", preferably pre-ordered, at the University cafeteria;

2. Protocol for student dormitories
- Prior to reopening the dormitory, all communal and accommodation areas will be adequately cleaned and disinfected;

* Dispensers with hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance of the student dormitories.
* Predetermined routes of entry and exit from the dormitory will be provided, if possible.
* A plan will be developed to ensure the daily cleaning and disinfection of collective spaces.
* The dormitory administration has the obligation to provide for each dormitory, depending on its capacity, isolation spaces with its own sanitary group, in which the cases suspected of SARS-CoV-2 will be temporarily housed.
* For each student dormitory, an action plan will be developed in case of a case of SARSCoV-2 infection. This plan will be displayed on the notice board at the entrance of the dormitory building.

- Shared/communal areas will be cleaned and disinfected daily;
- Protective measures:

​- The procedure for the accommodation of students in the dormitory will be established based on the number of accommodated students;
- The rooms will be assigned based on the number of students and beds will be distanced at least 1 m away from each other;

When students are assigned to their rooms, each room will be occupied by 2 (two) students in dormitories E5, 1 Mai B and T22. Given the large number of accommodation requests from students, in dormitories 1 Decembrie – pavillion 9, 1 Decembrie – pavillion 10 and 1 Mai A the rooms will each accommodate 3 (three) students. The rooms will be occupied by students from the same study program (ideally, the same series or, exceptionally, the same year of study) in order to limit student contact across different study programs, in line with the provisions of art. 55 from the Annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health no. 119/2014 with regard to approving the norms of environmental hygiene and public health, including subsquent amendments and additions.

- Optimal equipment of communal toilets will be ensured, especially with liquid soap; if applicable, students accommodated in dormitories will be provided with adequate quantities of alcohol-based cleaning products;
- Movements across the dormitory will be limited and congregations of students will be avoided;
- Wearing the mask is mandatory in communal areas;
- Students will receive ongoing training with regard to adopting individual protection measures;
- Communal areas will be cleared, disinfected and ventilated regularly;
- The use of rugs / carpets will be avoided;
- Students who are accommodated in the dormitory are required to maintain cleanliness and to regularly disinfect and ventilate their rooms;
- It is recommended to have access in turns to communal areas (toilets, cafeterias, rooms for shared use), so that each area may be disinfected according to its specific needs;
- Students are recommended to avoid communal areas as much as possible and carry out their activities in their own rooms;
- Security / surveillance staff will be trained with regard to the specific operating rules of the dormitory during the designated period of time;
- If there is a suspect or confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2, the isolation protocol will be followed and the Public Health Department (PHD) or the emergency service 112 will be notified;
* The confirmed student will be isolated either in the isolation and treatment units attached to the hospitals, or at their personal home, provided that the trip to his own place is made by personal means of transport, and not by public transport.
* The room contacts of the confirmed student will be quarantined in their dormitory room, provided that it has its own bathroom. If it does not have its own bathroom they will be quarantined in the isolator.
* For students in quarantine punctual solutions will be found to provide food at their room door ​
- In each dormitory, there will be a designated room for the temporary isolation and stationing of individuals suspect of or confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 infection until the arrival of the ambulance or the application of another form of quarantine.

3. Transportation protocol​
Throughout their travel to and from the higher education institution, students will conduct themselves in accordance with the approved norms for public transport, especially: keeping a physical distance of at least 1 m, wearing a mask. If students are using a transport vehicle provided by the higher education institution, the driver and any accompanying staff will follow the general protection measures. The vehicle will be ventilated and adequately disinfected after each ride.

4. Triage protocol
a) The epidemiologic triage of students is conducted according to the legal provisions in place, namely the Order of the Ministry of Health no. 653/2001 regarding preschoolers, pupils and students, with its subsequent amendments and additions.
b) Daily triage:
It is important that:
- students are well informed and understand why people with symptoms must not participate in didactic activities which required in-person student attendance at the higher education institutions;
- the entire academic community collaborate in monitoring students, teaching staff and other categories of staff in order to reduce the risk of infection.

Daily triage is performed by students at home by taking their own body temperature and assessing their general state, based on which students decide on their participation in those didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the the higher education institutions.

The following students will refrain from participating in didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institutions on a given day:
- students whose body temperature exceeds 37.3oC and/or who experience symptoms specific to SARS-CoV-2 infection (cough, difficulty breathing – shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting) or other infectious and contagious diseases;
- students confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 who are isolating at home;
- students identified as close contacts of a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 and who are quaranteened at home or in institutional quarantine.

Students may participate in didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institutions on a given day:
- if none of the situation described above apply to them;
- if they tested negative for COVID-19 in case one of their family members / close contacts are experiencing symptoms indicative of a respiratory tract infection
- if they have symptoms typical of allergies to pollen (known allergies to pollen, runny nose with clear nasal secretions, teary eyes / pruritus).
If, at the entrance of the building, thermometry is carried out with a non-contact thermometer by a designated person, trained in this matter, persons with a temperature higher than 37.3 ° C will not have access to the building.

In case students experience fever or symptoms specific to SARS-CoV-2 infection during their participation in didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institutions, the isolation protocol is applied.
In order to return in the community, it is mandatory for students who had health problems and were absent in didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institutions to submit to the secretariate upon their return to the first didactic activity a medical certificate indicating their diagnosis.
Medical certificates will be archived at the secretariate of the Dean's Office based on years of study.
Teaching staff, auxillary teaching staff and non-teaching staff who experience symptoms specific to a potentially infectious condition (fever, cough, headache, sore throat, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, vomiting) are to isolate themselves at home, contact their general practitioner and promptly notify the person designated by the management of the higher education institution, namely the person in charge at their faculty according to the Rector's decision.

5. Isolation protocol for ill students
This protocol is applicable to cases of students who experience fever and/or respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, difficulty breathing etc.) or other symptoms of infectious diseases (vomiting, diarrhea, myalgias, altered general state) during their participation in didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institution.
- Immediate isolation of the students. The students will wear a mask, will be separated from his/her study group / room mates and will be monitored until his/her transfer and accompanied departure from the higher education institution. The individual protection measures will be strictly observed. The room will be ventilated by opening a window and surfaces will be decontaminated
- If, during the isolation period, the student with symptoms is using the toilet, the toilet must be cleaned and disinfected with approved cleaning products before anyone else uses it;
- The student will not be taken to the general practitioner, pharmacy, emergency department or hospital unless the symptoms/signs are severe, in which case the emergency service 112 will be called;
- The person assisting the isolated students must avoid contact with the student, must wear a mask and wash his/her hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds;
- A special disinfectant will be used to sanitize the room after the student has left, in order to reduce the risk of infecting other people;
- In order to resume participation in those didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institution and return to the dormitory, the student will present a mandatory medical certificate indicating the diagnosis, issued by the attending physician / general practitioner. This certificate will be send via e-mail to their year secretary.

Chapter IV: Cleaning and Disinfection Plan

Art. 10
At Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iași, there is a plan in place for the cleaning and disinfection of classrooms hosting didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institution, rooms hosting the secretariates of the departments, Dean's Offices, Rector's Office, other functional compartments of the university, communal areas (hallways, stairways, gyms, student dormitories, toilets), as well as for the ventilation of these spaces.
The cleaning and disinfection of spaces and pieces of equipment are essential in the effort to suppress the spread of the virus.

The cleaning staff will perform the following actions:

  1. Collect all waste from communal areas, laboratories, lecture halls, auditoria, Rector's Office, secretariates, administrative offices, hallways, toilets at least 3 times per shift and will store it in waste collection containers;
  2. Clean and maintain cleanliness of the university's communal areas on a daily basis – hallways, stairways, toilets, lecture halls, laboratories, offices of teaching staff, Rector's Office, secretariates, administrative offices, kitchens.
  3. On a daily basis, sweep and wash floors, disinfect floors with disinfectants, disinfect tiled floor and wall surfaces, disinfect desks and desk storage units, wipe and disinfect window sills, disinfect door handles, coat racks, light switches with surface disinfectants;
  4. Disinfect door handles, locks, knobs, stair steps, balustrades, light switches, elevator controls, vending machines after each break, at the end of the day or as often as necessary;
  5. Clean and disinfect the rooms hosting the secretariates of departments/Dean's Offices/Rector's Office/functional compartments of the higher education institution immediately after the exit of teaching staff / other staff at the end of the day or after each visit by a different group of teaching staff / other staff;
  6. Wash and disinfect toilets after each break, at the end of the day and as often as necessary according to a timetable established by the head of the cleaning unit / administrator; in each of the areas being sanitized the cleaning and disinfection timetable will be posted in a visible location and will indicate the cleaning and disinfection procedures, their frequency, the designated times and space for the signatures of the staff members conducting the cleaning and disinfection and those conducting the inspection of these actions.
  7. Check and refill toilet supplies to ensure adequate quantities throughout the day (liquid soap, toilet paper, single-use wipes and tissues);
  8. Check daily the refilling of hand sanitizer dispensers at all the entrances of the university;
  9. Ventilate all communal areas as often as possible and for at least 10 minutes after they are cleaned and disinfected.
  10. The regular use of disinfectants on rarely-touched or low-risk surfaces is not necessary (e.g. library book shelves, storage unit tops).
  11. Ensure an adequate supply of necessary resources and equipment.
  12. Regularly assess the needs and availability of cleaning and disinfection products as well as of adequate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  13. Wear a protective mask and gloves during cleaning and disinfection activities, then dispose of them and wash the hands.
  14. Clean surfaces with water and soap before disinfecting them.
  15. Use an approved disinfectant with proven virucidal action.
  16. Always follow the instructions on the label. Only products in their original containers, sealed and undamaged may be purchased. The label must include safety instructions and instructions for correct use.
  17. If a high concentration product requires dilution according to the instructions of the producer, the resulting diluted substance may only be used for 24 hours. The name of the product, the concentration, the date and the time of dilution will be written on the container.
  18. Detergents and disinfectants will be stored in designated areas inaccessible to students.
  19. Wearing a mask and gloves is mandatory during the use of such products, as well as ensuring adequate ventilation. Using eye protection gear and ensuring easy access to a water source for washing the eyes in case of an accident are recommended.

The auxiliary teaching staff (lab technicians, other technicians) will perform the following actions:

  1. Ventilate all the classrooms hosting didactic activities which require on-site attendance of students/trainees immediately after the exit of students/trainees at the end of classes with a study group scheduled on that day or after each attendance by students/trainees enrolled in a different study group;
  2. Disinfect door handles, locks, knobs, desks, chairs, light switches, shared didactic objects, computers, keyboards, mice, laptops and tablets, handles of the pieces of equipment and devices (e.g. sports gear), using surface disinfectants, together with the cleaning staff, after each didactic activity with students.
  3. Disinfect the classrooms hosting didactic activities which require on-site attendance at the higher education institution immediately after the exit of students at the end of classes with a study group scheduled on that day or after each attendance of students enrolled in a different study group.

Chapter VI: The method in which teaching activities for which the physical presence of the students is mandatory is suspended, in case of confirmation of one / several cases of COVID-19​

A. Communication PHD - UMF Iasi
According to Order no.5487/1494/2020 Public health departments must inform the University regarding each case confirmed for students, teaching staff or other categories of personnel.

B. Communication UMF Iasi – PHD
a) If the positive case is identified by the University, the teacher/person who was informed by the positive case reports it to the year secretary. The year secretary sends all personal information about the positive student (name, surname, Personal Identification No, year, group, Iasi residence address, phone number) to the responsible for each faculty.
The responsible for each faculty informs the responsible for University (by telephone and e-mail) who has the obligations to communicate the situation as soon as possible to County Public Health Departments.
b) If a student with/without symptoms is tested and receives a positive answer for SARS-CoV-2, he informs the year secretary, and the flow of information is according to paragraph a)
If the test in negative, the student will self-isolate at their home for as long as the symptomatology of a respiratory infection persists, and will go back to his activity by presenting a medical certficate issued by the family doctor or the University's medical doctor.
c) In case of a case / several cases of COVID-19 in the University, the situation will be analysed by PHD together with the University management; the epidemiological investigation will start in maximum 24 hours by the epidemiologist from PHD, in collaboration with the medical doctor from the university medical office, if there is one, in order to establish the direct contacts from the community.
d) The decision of total suspension of the didactic activities which require the physical presence of students in the University is established, according to art. 7 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 141/2020, by decision of the university senate, in compliance with the measures established by this ordinance and the order of which this annex is part of, and of the general and sectorial regulations of the European Union regarding the minimum practice hours.
e) The partial suspension of the didactic activities which require the physical presence of students in the university will be decided by the Dean's Office and sent to the study formation the students belongs to.



  • Sweep floors with wet materials (before and at the end of opening hours, as well as before the use of disinfectants).
  • Disinfect floors with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of a disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor).
  • Wipe surfaces (tables, chairs) with single-use wipes and 1.5 chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) of a fast-acting surface disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick)
  • Clean door and window handles, coat racks, light switches and stands with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) of a fast-acting surface disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick)
  • Ventilate for at least 10 minutes after each cycle of didactic activities with a study group (maximum 3 hours)
  • End-of-day disinfection and ventilation for 30 minutes at the end of classes.


  • Sweep floors with wet materials (before and at the end of opening hours, as well as before the use of disinfectants).
  • Disinfect floors with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of a disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor).
  • Wipe surfaces (tables, chairs) with single-use wipes and 1.5 chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) of a fast-acting surface disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick)
  • Clean door and window handles, coat racks, light switches and stands with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/l of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0/25 Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) of a fast-acting surface disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick)
  • Clean objects used in demonstrative activities, when applicable, with a dilution of disinfectant detergent (e.g. 0.25% Surfanios of 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) or fast-acting disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick) (no chlorine solutions will be used).
  • Ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes per cycle of didactic activity with a study group (2 hours and 30 minutes maximum). Ongoing room ventilation by keeping windows or doors open is preferable (touching handles by multiple people is to be avoided)
  • End-of-day disinfection and ventilation for 30 minutes at the end of classes.


  • Sweep the floor with wet materials daily or as often as necessary.
  • Disinfect the floor with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or another cleaning solution twice a week or as often as necessary.
  • Clean the furniture, doors, door and window handles, beds with single-use wipes and 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or another cleaning solution twice a week or as often as necessary
  • Ventilate the room frequently for 30 minutes at a time


  • Sweep the floor with wet materials daily or as often as necessary.
  • Disinfect the floor with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or another cleaning solution twice a week or as often as necessary.
  • Clean the furniture, doors, door and window handles, refrigerators, sinks, stoves with single-use wipes and 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or another cleaning solution twice a week or as often as necessary
  • Ventilate the room frequently for 30 minutes at a time


  • Sweep floors with wet materials (before the start of the day and at the end, as well as before using disinfectants)
  • Disinfect floors with 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/liter of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (0.25% Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor)
  • Clean balustrades, elevator doors and interiors with single-use wipes and 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (0.25% Surfanios or 0.5% Anios Oxyfloor) or a fast-acting disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick)
  • Ventilate for at least 30 minutes every 2 hours
  • End-of-day disinfection and ventilation for 30 minutes.


  • 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or 0.25% Surfanios solution for floors
  • 1.5% chlorine solution (1 tablet/litre of water) or a dilution of disinfectant detergent (0.25% Surfanios) or a fast-acting disinfectant (e.g. Anios Spray Quick) for sinks, taps, toilet seats, shower cabin walls, mirrors and doors with
  • Soap dispenser and a hydro-alcoholic solution for antisepticising the hands after washing them with water and soap
  • Single-use wipes for cleaning the hands
  • Toilet paper


  • Dry daily sweeping before the start of daily activities
  • Cleaning of balustrades, stairways and benches with 1.5% chlorine solution