Rector message - Times Higher Education World University Rankings
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Rector message - Times Higher Education World University Rankings

​​​​Rector message - Times Higher Education World University Rankings​​

Dear teacher colleagues,
Dear student colleagues,
Dear administrative staff colleagues,​

Let me begin this message with good news: our University is ranked in Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the third consecutive year in the category Clinical and Health on an honoring position of 600+ next to U.M.Ph. Cluj and U.M.Ph. Th.Mures. Our constant presence in the most important international academic rankings is the result of our common endeavors in the field of didactic and research activity. I thank you all for this teamwork and for totally assuming the mission of our University to achieve excellence in education and research.

The second thing I would like to bring to your attention is that we are now going through another important step in the process of international institutional accreditation according to the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) standards. This is a major step for the image of the University as well as for the worldwide recognition of our students' diplomas and I note here mainly the recognition of the diplomas in the United States of America and in Israel.

​Next week between 4-7 November the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating – IAAR commission empowered by WFME will have the accreditation visit which due to pandemic conditions will be held online. Organizing this visit which has with a dense program represents a true challenge for all of us. The accreditation commission will have online working meetings with me, the vice-rectors and the deans of our four faculties as well as with students and teachers from our University, administrative staff employers and representatives of the local and regional community.

We are making efforts to obtain this accreditation for the entire University not just for one faculty. I am asking each one of you to participate to the evaluation process, in order to make this accreditation process flawless. It is extremely important that you participate to the meeting where you will be invited and to answer to the surveys you will receive on your professional e-mail address.

I assure you that our collective endeavor will bring our success in this process. We have repeatedly proved that we are able to work together and perform.

Before ending this message I would like to thank you again for the constant efforts you make to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus in our academic community. I know there is a high pressure that we all feel every moment but I am encouraged by the fact that we manage to face it together.

Best regards,
Professor Viorel Scripcariu, M.D. PhD